Diana Fosha, PhD, Kari Gleiser, PhD, & Ben Medley, LCSW, with Molly Eldridge, LICSW
“HOT” Topics In AEDP™
August 21st - August 25th, 2023
This course is also available Live-Online!
Course Content Level: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. This course is open, and content is suitable for all clinicians and learning levels, beginning, intermediate and advanced.
This course is no longer available.
15 Hour In-Person & Live-Online Course
Monday - Friday: 9:00a.m. - 12:30p.m. EDT / 30-Minute Break Daily
*Earn up to 15 Credits / hours
* Psychologists: Please see the CE section and agenda below for information regarding available credits.
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Course Description
Aloneness in the face of overwhelming emotion is the epicenter of emotional suffering; it is what compels our patients to seek help. Thus, the therapeutic undoing of aloneness is essential to being able to process the turbulent emotions of trauma. AEDP™ psychotherapy, one of the fastest-growing approaches to working with attachment trauma, makes the undoing of aloneness the sine qua non of trauma work. Drawing on neuroplasticity, affective neurobiology, attachment theory, dyadic developmental research, and transformational studies, AEDP has developed a fundamentally dyadic, experiential, healing-oriented practice. As such, AEDP assumes a healthy core within all people and emphasizes the importance of dyadic experiential work with present-moment experiences of attachment, emotion, and transformation to undo aloneness, heal trauma and promote flourishing.
AEDP is known for its rich, creative, systematic interventions, which:
clinically entrain positive neuroplasticity from the get-go
undo the patient's aloneness in the therapeutic dyad
work dyadically and experientially with here-and-now attachment experiences to expand relational capacity, rewire internal working models, and deepen receptive affective experiences of feeling seen, feeling felt and feeling loved
use dyadic affect regulation to experientially process the emotions of trauma until they release their wired-in adaptive action tendencies
metatherapeutically process the resulting experiences of transformation to expand transformation and promote its integration into self
Through the moment-to-moment, in-depth processing of previously overwhelming emotional and relational experiences, and then metatherapeutically processing the emergent corrective experiences within the co-constructed safety of the therapeutic dyad, AEDP helps clients recover their sense of core self and experience flourishing, i.e., increased vitality, connection, meaning, and a renewed zest for life.
In this workshop, we present AEDP through its engagement with some of the most important “hot” topics of our day: relational work with complex trauma and dissociation, expanding trauma work to include traumas of oppression and marginalization, and exploring the synergy of spirituality and psychedelics with AEDP’s transformational work. This workshop is appropriate both for clinicians new to AEDP, and those who have experience in AEDP and are interested in exploring these cutting-edge, “specialized” topics.
This course will be a balance of didactic material delivered in an engaging interactive style, videotapes of actual therapy sessions featuring moment-to-moment microanalysis, and experiential exercises. AEDP’s paradigmatic innovations will be demonstrated through clinical videotapes of actual therapy sessions (using real patients, not actors). Participants will gain a deeper intellectual understanding of the theory of AEDP as well as a repertoire of new skills to practice AEDP, including its application into cutting-edge areas like spirituality, liberation from oppression, and psychedelic-assisted therapy.
The Core of AEDP
Diana Fosha, PhD
Diana will focus on the dyadic experiential work with relational experiences that AEDP uses to heal attachment wounds. The AEDP 4-State Transformational model with its articulated state-specific transformational phenomenology will also be presented. With clinical videotapes.
To Be or Not to Be... Relational: AEDP and Work with Complex Trauma & Dissociation
Kari Gleiser, PhD
Kari will demonstrate how to balance relational work with ‘Intra-relational’ interventions to help clinicians engage with a traumatized patient’s fragmented inner world, including interacting with dissociated parts in a way that fosters healing and transformation, not dependency and enactment. This methodology uses attachment dynamics as a compass to guide experiential interventions between 1. therapist and patient; 2. therapist and dissociated parts; 3. patient and dissociated parts to build secure attachment bonds on each relational axis. With clinical videotapes.
AEDP’s Triangle of Social Experience Guides Work with Traumas of Oppression and the Experience of Internal Liberation
Ben Medley, LCSW
Ben will introduce the Triangle of Social Experience, a new AEDP representational schema that he developed to help guide our moment-to-moment experiential work to transform the effects of the traumas of oppression and marginalization and foster and install the experience of internal liberation. With clinical videotapes.
Transformation & Integration on Steroids: Diving Deep & Soaring High
Diana Fosha, PhD, Kari Gleiser, PhD & Ben Medley, LCSW, Molly Eldridge, LICSW
The whole AEDP team – Diana, Kari, Ben & Molly—will delve deeply into the AEDP groundbreaking innovation, metatherapeutic processing, or metaprocessing for short. Metaprocessing refers to the experiential processing of corrective emotional experiences with the same rigor with which we process traumatic experiences. Doing so gives rise to innate healing affects (e.g., gratitude, love, compassion and self compassion, wisdom, clarity and the truth sense) and upward spirals of vitality and energy. These healing affects deepen and expand the transformation, and foster the emergence of a vital, vibrant and relationally engaged self. With clinical videotapes.
Back to the Future: The Synergistic Energies of Metaprocessing, Spirituality & Psychedelics.
Kari Gleiser, PhD & Diana Fosha, PhD
Kari and Diana will explore synergies between 1. emotional hallmarks and states of consciousness evoked in AEDP State 3 and 4 work; 2. the transformative power of mystical and spiritual experiences; 3. the healing potential of psychedelic medicines. Shared phenomena such as deep connection to self and others, gratitude, awe, reverence, compassion, love, expanded states of consciousness, and a truth sense bridge the worlds of psychotherapy, psychedelic experiences and spirituality. With clinical videotapes.
* Psychologists: This section is not being offered for CE credit. Please see the CE information on this page for CE availability by State.
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