15-Hour In-Person & Live-Online Course
Monday - Friday: 9:00a.m. - 12:30p.m. EDT / 30-Minute Break Daily
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Course Description
Join international speaker, author, and expert on LGBTQ issues Dr. Joe Kort as he equips you with the right tools and information to more effectively counsel your lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning clients and couples. Through case examples and plenty of humor, you will gain a better understanding of the modern LGBTQ culture, keep abreast of how younger clients are identifying in a more sexual and gender fluid way and learn to target the trauma associated with growing up in the closet and how minority stress affects one’s personality and mental health. You will learn specific strategies to treat the unique challenges your client may be facing, such as:
internalized homophobia and LGTBQ shame
non hetero-normative sexual behaviors and practices
trauma and abuse from growing up LGBTQ: the difficult process
helping clients through the stages of coming out
Dr. Kort will also help you avoid the common mistake of believing “a couple is a couple” and treating LGBTQ couples the same as their heterosexual counterparts. He will address the unique relationship dynamics of a same gendered couple and give you practical tools for their therapeutic progress. Many LGBTQ couples and individuals leave their straight therapists and hire a LGBTQ therapist due to a lack of information and education by the straight therapist. It’s not enough to be “LGBTQ friendly.” You must be LGBTQ informed. The fact is, even the best-intentioned therapists have some level of homophobia to overcome. From birth, heterosexist culture imprints us to think that heterosexuality is primary and that any other orientation is inferior.
In this workshop, you will learn to be culturally competent with your LGBTQ clients and be able to help them around issues of sex, coming out, growing up LGBTQ, Bisexuality, Transgender, mixed orientation relationships, gender fluidity, and sexual fluidity. You will learn to avoid mislabeling a client and using terminology that may prove offensive to them.
Trauma of growing up LGBTQ contributing to PTSD
Identify internalized homophobia and gay shame
Covert cultural sexual abuse and its effects on LGBTQ
Recognize developmental insults and wounding from growing up LGBTQ
Six distinct stages of coming out and treatment implications for teenagers and adults
Stigma and its impact on mental health from childhood to adulthood: six distinct stages with interventions
Navigate the three phases of coming out to avoid isolation and alienation
Working with modern LGBTQ couples and mixed orientation relationships
Dynamics of a same gendered couple including vulnerabilities and strengths
Coming out discrepancy causing turbulence for couples
Open relationships in gay male couples
Specific stages of coming out as a mixed orientation couple
Specialized treatment programs for the straight spouses
Helping LGBTQ spouse integrate their identity into their mixed orientation relationships
Learn how to identify which couples will succeed and which won’t
Understanding transgender teens and adults
Overcome the knowledge barrier
Avoid using outdated treatment plans
Learn and differentiate correct terms such as gender queer, gender fluid and cisgender
Strategies to help your client tell their partner, families, friends, and employers
Tips for discussing hormone treatments and surgical procedures
Crucial points for transgender teens medically and psychologically and how to create the best treatment plan
Sexual Fluidity: Correct terminology and understanding
Cultural competency of LGBTQ sexuality and language varieties of sexuality
Protect the client from your own biases and assumptions
What Alumni are Saying...
“Joe Kort was a fantastic presenter!” - 2016 Participant
“Bring back Joe Kort. I feel lucky to have been in his inaugural class. It has been an incredibly positive experience” - 2016 Participant

Learn more about the Cape Cod Institute from former participants

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