The Cape Cod Institute-MAK Continuing Education, LLC is an EC Provider (#22011) and this program (#22011-05) is approved for 15 EMDRIA Credits. Eligibility for EMDRIA Credits is restricted to those who have completed an EMDRIA-Approved Basic EMDR Training.
Putting It All Together: Combining Somatic and Ego-State Therapies with EMDR to Change the Valence of Emotional Memories
Lana Epstein, MA, LICSW
July 8-12, 2024
Monday - Friday: 9:00a.m. - 12:30p.m. EDT | 30-Minute Break Daily
15-Hour Course | Delivery Format: In-Person or Live-Online
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Course Description
Early emotional learning contributes significantly to our sense of self and to how we form attachments. Until recently, these early memories were thought to be immutable. Current research and literature in the field of Memory Reconsolidation (the reorganization of an existing memory), however, proposes that the way an emotionally-laden memory is held in the brain can be reworked (or reconsolidated). Since these emotionally informed learnings inform procedural, automatic behaviors, our clients and we can benefit from understanding the underlying principles of memory reconsolidation and the therapies best suited to that process.
This workshop will demonstrate ways a number of mindfulness-based, experiential therapies can be combined to shift the valence of emotional memory—whether those memories be trauma- or attachment-based.
The workshop will highlight interventions from Sensorimotor Psychotherapy and EMDR. It will also include interventions from ego state work and Hypnotherapy. Throughout the week, the instructor will differentiate between trauma and attachment work and will give special consideration to working with shame experiences. Each day will include a combination of video analysis, didactic presentation, and experiential learning. This course is well suited for clinicians of all levels interested in learning more about integrating somatic interventions into their current practice. Please note prior experience working with EMDR is not required.
About the Instructor

Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Lana Epstein has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible organizations. She receives a speaking honorarium from MAK Continuing Education, LLC, Cape Cod Institute.
Non-financial: Lana Epstein has no relevant non-financial relationships with ineligible organizations.
Lana Epstein, MA, LICSW, is a seasoned clinician specializing in the treatment of complex trauma. She is a senior trainer for the Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute, an EMDR Approved Consultant with EMDR International Association, and a former ASCH Approved Consultant in Clinical Hypnosis. She is a past supervisor for the Trauma Center and was on the Board of the New England Society for the Treatment for Trauma and Dissociation for six years and the founding member of the New York City Association for Trauma Therapists (NYCATT)(www.nycatt.org), a professional organization whose purpose is to advance the practice of trauma therapy in New York by building and supporting a community of ethical, well-trained trauma therapists. Integrating a number of therapeutic models, Lana presents nationally and internationally and maintains a private practice in MA and NY focusing on adult survivors of childhood trauma.

Hear more from
Lana Epstein, MA, LICSW
What Alumni are Saying...
"In my 40+ career as a trauma-informed psychotherapist, this is one of THE best conferences. Lana is so genuine, straightforward and easy to learn from. I am so impressed and also grateful I could participate." - 2023 Participant
"Lana was exceptional! Her gentle and gracious teaching style and delivery were wonderful to receive. She is clearly a Master of her Craft and able to communicate that clearly and elegantly." - 2023 Participant
"Lana presented such a complex subject with such a sensitive manner." - 2022 Participant

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