IMAGO: Proven Strategies for Helping Couples Move from Conflict to Connecting
Harville Hendrix, PhD, Helen LaKelly Hunt, PhD, Carol Kramer, LICSW, & Joanne Audyatis, LMHC
August 5-9, 2024
Monday - Friday: 9:00a.m. - 12:30p.m. EDT | 30-Minute Break Daily
15-Hour Course | Delivery Format: In-Person & Live-Online
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Course Description
If you dread your next appointment with a couple, avoid doing couples therapy altogether but would like to, or love couples and want to do it better, join Harville Hendrix, Ph.D., Helen LaKelly Hunt, Ph.D., Carol Kramer, LICSW, and Joanne Audyatis, LMHC, in this rare opportunity to study with the founders of Imago Relationship Therapy and two members of their star Imago Faculty. In this training, you will learn how to help couples quickly move from conflict to connecting by learning how to change your interventions from the Space-Within to the Space-Between, that helps couples create a transformed, rather than just a better, relationship. This involves couples developing relational competence by:
Learning how to talk with each other about anything without polarizing.
Embrace and celebrate their differences.
Shifting from judgment to curiosity and wonder.
Committing to a Zero Negativity relationship.
Engaging in life changing affirmations.
Waking up from their symbiotic trance.
Revisioning their relationship as a partnership rather than a competition.
Seeing how their relationship challenges repeat their unresolved childhood challenges.
Understanding the difference between the Space-Between and the Space-Within.
Using memory to create and sustain connecting.
Changing their brains by practicing the dialogue process.
Learning how to create and sustain a Conscious Partnership.
Using Imago Relationship Therapy, comprehensively available in DOING IMAGO RELATIONSHIP THERAPY IN THE SPACE-BETWEEN: A Guide for Clinicians, this theory-based skill-building training process will help you, as a therapist, assist couples in transcending their biggest challenge: accepting difference, connecting beyond difference and co-creating a Conscious Partnership that meets developmental needs and restores full aliveness and joy. Each day will include lectures, videos, live demonstrations and the practice of Imago Dialogue processes.
This workshop is open to clinical professionals who want to become certified Imago Therapists or other professionals who want to use the Imago Dialogue Process in their lives and work. The training counts as two days towards certification as an Imago therapist by the Imago International Training Institute or, for non-clinical professionals, it counts for two days towards becoming an Imago Facilitator. It also meets some of the requirements of the Safe Conversations Training Institute for a certificate as a Safe Conversations Trainer.
About the Instructor

Speaker Disclosures:
Harville Hendrix:
Financial: Harville Hendrix has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible organizations. He receives a speaking honorarium from MAK Continuing Education, LLC, Cape Cod Institute.
Non-financial: Harville Hendrix has no relevant non-financial relationships with ineligible organizations.
Helen LaKelly Hunt:
Financial: Helen LaKelly Hunt has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible organizations. She receives a speaking honorarium from MAK Continuing Education, LLC, Cape Cod Institute.
Non-financial: Helen LaKelly Hunt has no relevant non-financial relationships with ineligible organizations.
Harville Hendrix, PhD, and Helen LaKelly Hunt, PhD, are co-creators of Imago Relationship Theory & Therapy and co-founders of Imago Relationships International, which has trained over 2,500 therapists in over 61 countries. They are also co-creators of Quantum Connections®, a global social movement with the mission to facilitate the creation of a relational civilization through the distribution of the Safe Conversations Process to 3.8 billion persons over the next 30 years.
They are the authors of three New York Times best sellers (Getting The Love You Want; Keeping The Love You Find; and Giving The Love That Heals), Making Marriage Simple, and six other books including Doing Imago Relationship Therapy in the Space Between: A Guide for Clinicians. Harville is a couples therapist with more than 40 years experience, a Clinical Educator and Trainer, and a lecturer whose work has appeared on Oprah 17 times. In addition, a 30th anniversary edition of Getting the Love You Want launched in 2019.
In addition to Helen’s partnership with her husband in the co-creation of Imago Relationship Therapy, the Safe Conversations global movement, and being a co-creator of Imago Relationships International, she is sole author of Faith and Feminism plus And the Spirit Moved Them. She was installed in the Women’s Hall of Fame for her leadership in the global women’s movement and in the Smithsonian Institute for her creation of Woman Moving Millions.
Helen and Harville have been married for 41 years, have six children,eight grandchildren and reside in Dallas, Texas and New York City.
www.harvilleandhelen.com; www.imagorelationships.org; www.safe conversation.com.

Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Carol Kramer has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible organizations.
Non-financial: Carol Kramer has no relevant non-financial relationships with ineligible organizations.
Carol J. Kramer, LICSW, is a certified Imago Relationship Therapist, faculty trainer, and workshop presenter. Carol brings enthusiasm, expertise, warmth and clarity to the learning process. She is able to break down how to utilize the theory and she makes the process of learning engaging, safe, fun and productive. Among the places Carol has presented are Omega Institute, Kripalu, and the Cape Cod Institute. She is based in New York City.

Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Joanne Audyatis has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible organizations.
Non-financial: Joanne Audyatis has no relevant non-financial relationships with ineligible organizations.
Joanne Audyatis, LMHC, has been helping couples find deep connection for over 25 years. She has a private practice of Imago Therapy on Cape Cod. As a Certified Imago Workshop presenter Joanne, along with her husband Todd, present weekend-long workshops to couples from around the country. They are the lead clinical assistants to Harville and Helen at their workshops at Kripalu. Joanne is also an Advanced Imago Clinician and a Faculty Associate of Imago Relationships International.

Hear more from
Harville Hendrix, PhD, Helen LaKelly Hunt, PhD, Carol Kramer, LICSW, & Joanne Audyatis, LMHC
What Alumni are Saying...
"It was a pleasure to learn from these two giants in the field who have devoted so many years to developing this method." - 2022 Participant
"It has been one of the most valuable and applicable classes I have taken at the Cape Cod Institute." - 2022 Participant
"I am very grateful to Helen & Harville for sharing this wisdom with the world!" - 2023 Participant

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