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Course Description
This workshop will introduce you to a Universal Model of Leadership that integrates the best theory and research to emerge over the past 60 years in the fields of Leadership, Psychology, Human Potential, Quantum Physics, and Spirituality. At the core of this model are the Stages of Adult Development frameworks that are now finding their way into leading approaches to the development of leadership effectiveness.
No organization can organize at a higher level of performance than the consciousness of its leadership. We identify five levels of leadership—Egocentric, Reactive, Creative, Integral, and Unitive. Each progressive level is associated with greater consciousness and effectiveness. Each results in more engaging organizational cultures, accelerated innovation, increased business performance, and enhanced capability to lead systemic transformation. Most adults are navigating the transition from Reactive to Creative. This workshop will focus on supporting that transition, while also exploring the territory of the higher Stages - Unity Informed Integral Presence. As a therapist, coach, or consultant, you will learn how to catalyze and accelerate personal/leadership transformation.
This workshop will use the Leadership Circle Profile (LCP) Self-Assessment, which provides personal insight through the lens of the entire Universal Model and a map and foundation for a powerful leadership development experience. Finally, this workshop will introduce six leadership practices that, if practiced, will reliably boot up later-stage leadership. They are:
Discern Purpose: What am I here for? What are we here for? What must I be about to live the life I came here to live and not someone else’s? What do I love more than I fear?
Distill Vision: What is wanted of me/us now? What is the emergent and desired future that wants its way with me/us? What will exist in the future that does not exist now? What is the organization that, if it existed, would put us out of business?
Know Your Fears: How do I/we get in my own way? How do I/we make up that it is too risky to act on the purpose and vision? What is at risk beneath my Reactive strategy, search for a safe path, and/or playing not to lose?
Authentic and Courageous Dialogue: How do I consistently speak the truth, especially when it requires courage? How do I have difficult conversations in a great way? How do I act out the vision I hold in every encounter? How do we create a collective and coherent field for dialogue that leads to breakthrough solutions to complex issues?
Balancing Intuition and Reason: How do I/we open up intuitive meta-capability? How can I/we learn to be informed from a field of larger intelligence about the emergent, desired future and the innovations required to manifest that future?
Catalytic Presence: When I enter any circumstance, how do I embody a presence that resonates a catalytic field for what wants to happen? How do I, through my very presence, create the conditions for courage, honesty, reconciliation, healing, insight, breakthrough innovation, and inspiration for what is most needed?
This workshop is for you if you are in the business of helping people develop into the highest versions of themselves. This training can offer those already certified in the Leadership Circle Profile an enhanced understanding of their Profile and how to use the underlying model more effectively and with a much deeper transformative presence.
About the Instructor

Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Robert Anderson has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible organizations. He receives a speaking honorarium from MAK Continuing Education, LLC, Cape Cod Institute.
Non-financial: Robert Anderson has no relevant non-financial relationships with ineligible organizations.
Bob Anderson is the Founder of the Leadership Circle. Bob created the Leadership Circle Profile™ (LCP), a 360o leadership assessment. Forbes named the LCP one of its top executive development assessments.
Bob and Bill Adams authored the book, Mastering Leadership: An Integrated Framework for Breakthrough Performance and Extraordinary Business Results, described as seminal work in the leadership field. It was a Top Ten Bestseller on Porchlight Book Company and was a Top 10 editorial pick on Amazon.
Bob and Bill’s new book, Scaling Leadership: Building Organizational Capability and Capacity to Create Outcomes that Matter Most, is a street-level view of how senior leaders describe leadership; and provides a proven framework for magnifying agile and scalable leadership in your organization.
Bob served on the faculty at The University of Notre Dame for 20 years and received the Partner in Innovation faculty award in 2005. The MEECO Leadership Institute awarded Bob the International Thought Leader of Distinction in 2018. Bob has a master’s in organizational development and a bachelor’s in economics. See: https://leadershipcircle.com/

Hear more from
Bob Anderson
What Alumni are Saying...
“This was by far the most personally impactful course I have ever taken! The instructor built an extraordinary environment of trust which allowed participants to really embody and explore the model deeply. We learned from the instructor and from each other through discussions of theory, research and experiences. I feel like what I have learned here will change my life! Thank you!” - 2019 Participant
“Bob is a master presenter/facilitator, an original thinker and pacesetter in the field of LCDR assessment and development, and a high quality human being.” - 2019 Participant
“It was an emotionally rich and intense week. I am grateful to have had the experience.” - 2023 Participant

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