Dialogic from the Start: Contracting for Emergent Outcomes in Result Driven Organizations
Mondays and Thursdays, February 13, 16, 20 and 27, 2023
15 Hour Live-Online Course: EST: 11:00a.m. - 3:00p.m.; includes 15-minute break
4 x 4 hour sessions on Mondays and Thursdays in February, 2023:
Session 1: Monday, February 13
Session 2: Thursday, February 16
Session 3: Monday, February 20
Session 4: Monday, February 27
PT: 8:00a.m. - 12:00p.m. | GMT: 4:00p.m. - 8:00p.m. | UTC+2: 5:00p.m. - 9:00p.m. | UTC+3: 6:00p.m. - 10:00p.m.
Sold out
Course Description
Assuming that most leaders in organizations are results-driven and tend to have controlling leadership habits, when does it make sense to contract for self-organization and emergence and how do we do it?
Or practically speaking:
What are you selling and what is the client buying in an emergent process in which the desired outcomes are yet to be articulated and discovered?
How do you do it – step by step?
In this course we will look at Dialogic OD, Emergent and Generative change projects and processes, through the lens of “creating the terms of engagement” that promote and enable this kind of work - the Contracting process.
A unique perspective of contracting as “the work” and not “pre-work”, work that takes place during the most formative and transformative stage of the dialogic work will be offered. Awareness of self and others in the entry and beginning stage of the process will be highlighted and skills of developing an authentically dialogic presence from the start will be explored and practiced. To establish any consulting relationship, or in fact any lasting and generative relationship, we need a suitable and enabling formal and psychological contract for all parties.
Both the philosophy and the practice are widely applicable to internal and external consultants, leaders, and managers who wish to practice working more dialogically in whatever they do.
The course will surface the paradoxes, teach the art and the craft and outline the basic elements of contracting, elaborating both on being and doing contracting dialogically. Embodied dialogic presence means not only a dialogic mindset but also being in authenticity, daring to be vulnerable, and developing a “covenant relationship” with your client/partners.
The course will be a conversational space in which your experience and questions will feed one another and I will share thoughts and insights drawing on my experience and recently published book Initiating Generative Change: Entry and Contracting for Emergent Outcomes in Result Driven Organizations, in the BMI Series in Dialogic OD.
Session 1 - Monday, February 13th: Introduction to Dialogic Entry and Contracting (4 Hours)
In this session, we will lay down the contextual foundation, uncover the unique paradoxes and innate challenges of contracting dialogically. We will also create in the room our contract and cultivate the group relations for exploring and training together in how to enter and contract dialogically.
Session 2 - Thursday, February 16th: Working with Contracting as a formative and transformative phase of beginning (4 Hours)
What if a pre-formal contract is “the work”, a phase pregnant with potential? We will explore and appreciate the power of dialogic entry and contracting. Learning what is unique to beginnings and endings in Dialogic emergent process and how it can be simply presented to clients.
Session 3 – Monday, February 20th: Contracting as creating conditions for success – spelling out the basic elements of dialogic contract (4 Hours)
In this session, we will learn the perceptual framework of working the 5 elements of formal and psychological contract: Purpose, Deliverables (in phases), Role Expectations, Consultant’s Fee, and Boundaries of contract; as it uniquely manifests in Dialogic emergent processes.
Session 4 – Monday, February 27th: The Being and Doing of Dialogic Contracting – embodied dialogic presence and relationship (4 Hours)
During this session, we will explore and train for authenticity in contracting and understand what “covenant relationship” is and how to cultivate one. Appreciating the entry and contracting process as an ongoing ingredient throughout the Dialogic process.
Hear more from
Tova Averbuch, MSc

CONTACT US for more info about this course