Creating Inclusive Organizations: Transforming Core Narratives through Change Champions
Mondays and Tuesdays, May 1, 8, 15 and 30, 2023
15 Hour Live Online Course: EDT: 11:00a.m. - 3:00p.m.; 15 minute break daily
4 x 4 hour Sessions on 3 Mondays & 1 Tuesday in May 2023:
Session 1: Monday, May 1
Session 2: Monday, May 8
Session 3: Monday, May 15
Session 4: Tuesday, May 30
PT: 8:00a.m. - 12:00p.m. | GMT: 4:00p.m. - 8:00p.m.
Sold out
Course Description
In a rapidly changing world where demands for speed and results continue to rise, the need for greater inclusion in organizations to achieve breakthrough performance is more critical than ever. In this course, we will focus on how participants can apply Dialogic OD principles and frameworks to disrupt the prevailing narrative and engage organizations to implement new ways of operating and interacting that foster greater inclusion, leverage differences, and equity.
Fred and Judith will bring their many decades of global organization change experience in support of new narratives which enable every person to do their best work and support individual, team, and organizational performance. The course will also include panels of leaders and practitioners who have successfully implemented change that created new generative images to evolve new narratives. They will share stories of key lessons learned from the journey of change. Participants will have a valuable opportunity to hone themselves as change agents and enhance their ability to influence others in their own organizations and in everyday life. Specifically, we will look at: the conditions needed to disrupt prevailing organizational narratives in order to drive rapid change.
Monday, May 1st: Session 1 – Laying the groundwork for change
Individual objectives and learning goals
Creating a community of effort
A time of transformational change: culture change, if not now, it’s too late
Creating common ground and language regarding inclusion, diversity, equity, and access
Initial assessment of our knowledge as practitioners
Monday, May 8th: Session 2 – Ground rules for Change
The Path Model
Using dialogic OD to create change
A Peer-to-Peer Model of Accelerating Change
Guest Panel: Leaders who have been involved in transformational change: stories, and lessons from their journeys
What success looks like
Monday, May 15th: Session 3 – Self as Instrument for change
Use of self – our role and support of new narratives, mindsets, and frameworks
Joining vs. Judging: A mindset change
Resistance as part of the change process
Creating a container for interaction safety
Guest panel: Practitioners who have supported transformational change: stories, and learnings from their journeys
Tuesday, May 30th: Session 4 – Application: Evolving the New Narrative and Changing the Systems
Bringing HR and other key partners into the process to create systemic change
The new narrative – moving FROM --> the OLD culture to the NEW …
Measures and metrics – helping change processes stick
Hear more from
Frederick A. Miller & Judith H. Katz

CONTACT US for more info about this course