Creating Generative Conversations by Leading with Outcomes
Tuesdays and Wednesdays, April 18, 19, 25 and 26, 2023
15 Hour Live Online Course: EDT: 12:00p.m. - 4:00p.m.; 15 minute break daily
Tuesdays & Wednesdays in April 2023:
Session 1: Tuesday, April 18
Session 2: Wednesday, April 19
Session 3: Tuesday, April 25
Session 4: Wednesday, April 26
PT: 9:00a.m. - 1:00p.m. | GMT: 5:00p.m. - 9:00p.m.
Sold out
Course Description
What if we put agreement on outcomes ahead of solutions? That generative question underpins Leading with Outcomes, a participatory and pattern-based approach to change that integrates strategy and leadership through participation.
Leading with Outcomes works at two levels. First, it can be seen as an engagement model for practitioners of generative change, a collection of well-tested tools and higher-level patterns that assemble to span the Generative Change Model [Bushe] in its entirety, albeit with a deliberately outcome-oriented flavour.
Second, we pay attention not only to the content of conversations and their outputs, but also to their underlying patterns. Making these explicit and understanding them as patterns of strategy-related conversation, we raise each participant’s awareness of them in their experience and make them transferrable into their everyday practice.
Leading with Outcomes is based on Agendashift, which in turn integrates a diverse range of tools models sourced from inside and outside the dialogic organisation development community. Key inspirations include Clean Language, Solutions Focus, Lean and Lean Startup, Kanban, and Management Cybernetics.
More important than the tools however are its commitments to participation and to outcomes. Not using outcomes to sell solutions (that approach belongs with the diagnostic paradigm), but outcomes agreed authentically, articulated in the participants’ own words, and organised to focus and fuel the innovation process. Furthermore, Leading with Outcomes takes these commitments and relates them to the role and practices of leadership.
On completion of Leading with Outcomes you will be familiar with its patterns and able to apply them both with and without their accompanying tools. You will have ample opportunity to see them in their proper context, to practice them, and to reflect on their application and their underlying meaning.
Tuesday, April 18th: Session 1 - A practical and leadership-focused introduction to some key patterns and their application
A practical introduction to two key patterns and their application:
The IdOO (“I do”) pattern – Ideal, Obstacles, Outcomes
The “strategy wrapper” pattern – Context, Conversation, Organise the strategy
Establishing context – Who and what are we dealing with?
Focusing generative conversations – generative images and other prompts
Obstacles to outcomes
Organising outcomes
An ideation pattern – Meaning before Metric, Measure before Method (2MBM)
Applications – inside-out and outside-in strategy
Wednesday, April 19th: Session 2 - Thinking more organisationally and following the patterns of session 1, introducing some of our favourite tools and exercises
In the context of high-level strategy and following the patterns of session 1, introducing some of our favourite tools and exercises:
Celebration-5W, a context-capturing energiser
Breakthrough, Challenge, Purpose
Good Obstacle, Bad Obstacle, framing obstacles for productive conversations
15-minute FOTO (Lite), the first of two outings of the Clean Language-inspired coaching game
Plan on a Page
Tuesday, April 25th: Session 3 - Exploration: Prospecting for opportunities
Resisting the urge to sell or diagnose, identifying where there is appetite and opportunity for change:
A generative assessment tool and its dialogic survey debrief
Prioritising areas of opportunity
Why is that important? Introducing Challenge Mapping
15-minute FOTO (Classic), a second outing for our Clean Language-inspired coaching game
Different hats: client, coach, host
Full circle: Write your own prompt (or improve one of ours)
Wednesday, April 26th: Session 4 - Right to Left: Working backwards from moments of impact and learning
Sustaining the innovation process by maintaining a focus on outcomes:
Mapping – organising visually an Agenda for Change
Ideation revisited: Hypotheses big and small
Developing an experiment with A3
Focussing everyday feedback opportunities on impact
Focussing longer-cadence feedback opportunities on learning
Feedback and organisation
Hear more from
Mike Burrows, BSc

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